Saturday, July 5, 2008

New Doggie Friends

Yesterday was Our Nation's Birthday. This is apparently important, although it doesn't seem to be a dog-centered holiday. Nevertheless, Mom and Dad BOTH took me back to the Bay Farm Park in Duxbury and we had an absolutely fantastic time. Here are some pictures.
This is some kind of water bird.
Here I am, waiting for Mom to hurry up. There is something else that I see off in the distance beyond Mom, but that will come up later.
This is a bird.
I don't know why Mom liked the bird so much.
But she did. It made a funny sound.
It's not a very exciting bird, when I look at the pictures.
But it didn't seem afraid of us at all.
Here I am with Dad, frolicking in the salt marsh.
I wanted to get in the water here. Dad wanted to let me but Mom remembered that there is a better place for that farther on.
I'm trying to get at something, but I can't remember what.
Okay, I can come back now.
This is the Myles Standish Monument, overlooking Duxbury.
These are two butterflies doing their best flower impression.
This is a pretty flower.
This is a closer shot of the pretty flower.
There is a bee on this flower.
It is pollenating the flower.
Mom says it is the Miracle of Life.
Here I am galloping up the path to the beach. There is something waiting for me on the other side!
This is a clear sign that zombies have been here.
This is what was waiting for me! The dog on the let is Samantha. She is fifteen years old, but she doesn't look or act it.
This is Beau. He is a Basset Hound.
We met another fun doggie friend, another Golden named Hogan, but he didn't play with us. He wanted to chase rocks. So Mom only took pictures of the playing doggies.
I really liked Beau.
So did Dad. He wanted Mom to take lots of pictures. This is the best one of me and Beau!

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