Saturday, September 13, 2008

Bald Hill Reservation, Boxford MA

Yesterday, there were men working on the heating system. I don't know what they were doing, but it made a lot of noise - especially when they set off the smoke alarms, over and over. This distressed me, so Mom decided to take me someplace far, far away. She needed to go to Arlingto anyway, to shop for something, so we went even farther north: someplace called Boxford. There were supposed to be the remains of the houses from this family that once owned the property, and even the family cemetary, but we didn't find any of that. You'll see why. Even so, we had a great time.
There was supposed to be a map here. There is not.
Hey, look! New smells!
Path. Yes, it is a little flooded.
I love this place!
You knew this would happen.
I wuffle the water and make bubbles.
Hey, what's that over there?
The path went up and down.
Stinking Filthy Muck!
I love Stinking Filthy Muck!
See how filthy I am?
This kind of a mess takes work! But I wonder why the path is now Stinking Filthy Muck.
See? We had to go around.
That made us a little lopsided, which was funny.
Ah. A beaver dam. I wonder if beavers like to play?
here is the path again.
And a different swampy lake.
More of the path.
More of the Yogi.
The whole place had this very New England, HP Lovecraft kind of feel to it.
We tried to figure out what this had once been.
Happy Yogi!
Roll! Roll Roll Roll!Roll.
There wasn't anything but dirt here, don't worry.
Fallen tree.
Is Cthulu in the pond?
I'd better check.
Something was here. Was it a deer, maybe? It's too small a print to be a horse - and that's good, because I hate horses.
Come on, Mom!
The intersections were supposed to be labeled, but very few actually were.
More wall.
Can't have a walk without a stone wall!
We don't know where this is supposed to go.
Why is it that every trail we take tries to spit us out on a road?
We walked along the road. There were chickens!
And some kind of odd looking black ducky.
They were cute.
Mom is even sadder that they didn't get the house in Boxford that they'd looked at all those years ago, because they could have had a goat.
The goat wasn't very happy to see the Yogi Dog.
I wonder what's in here?
There's our car, finally!

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