Thursday, May 8, 2008

Off to see the Despot

Yesterday I didn't go for a real walk, because Mom was busy during the afternoon. Instead, they took me on an Adventure. First we went to the Post Office, but I didn't get out of the car. Next we drove in the car for a while. We were going to visit the Despot. I did not know what the Despot was, but Dad felt he needed to pay his respects. Here are some pictures. This is me in the car on my way to see the Despot
This is in the area of the Despot. This is where we waited for Dad. The Despot does not like dogs, apparently, but I left him a present anyway.
This is me. I see something I like!
That guy walking toward us over there looks like Dad! Is it him?

This is Dad! He safely escaped the Despot.

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