Wednesday, February 20, 2008

School vacation week in Braintree

It is school vacation week here in Braintree, and even though there've only been two days of it I can see that this is going to cause some Issues for me and Mom. See, I love people. I love kids most of all. I don't even tend to jump up on them, probably because I don't have to go as far to lick their faces and get kisses in return. I'm generally really good with kids. The problem is that every time I see a new person or kid, I want to go meet them and play with them. Everything else goes out of my head. Mom seems to think that this is a problem, possibly because I don't listen to her. I'm not sure how this is going to play out during school vacation week, but it did make our walk at the Blue Hills yesterday a little less enjoyable.

Speaking of which, I made a new friend named Buddy at Houghton's Pond. I'm not sure what kind of dog he was, but he sure was friendly!

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