Monday, February 4, 2008


I was a pretty good dog on Friday, for most of the day. This is particularly remarkable because the weather was so bad I couldn't spend much time outside! But I was patient and I was good, and I hung out with Mom. This couldn't last - I'm a puppy, for crying out loud! A mere baby! Mom and Dad were busy for most of the evening, and I decided that I wanted attention. I started barking at ten PM and didn't stop until noon on Saturday. This is fourteen straight hours of barking. I barked to be let into my crate. I barked to be let back out of my crate. I barked to go outside. I barked to come back inside. Mom checked. I wasn't sick, I didn't need to relieve myself or anything like that, I just had this sudden burst of energy that I couldn't contain.

Fortunately Mom and Dad love me so much that this little episode has done little to damage our relationship.....

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