Tuesday, February 5, 2008

No more football

Well, things are finally getting back to normal here in the Yogi-dome. Mom and Dad decided to have a Super Bowl party on Sunday. This resulted in a flurry of preparation on Saturday and Sunday before the game. Mom has gotten wise to me and now makes me go outside when she empties the dish washer, but there was plenty of other stuff for me to lick.

So all sorts of friends came over, all people I already knew so it was wonderful to see them again. My people made me stay outside for the duration of the game. This was disappointing, because I love to watch football and with all those people to bring my toys to I could have spun myself like a little top. Still, Mom didn't think that it would be easy for me to resist the temptation of the buffet, especially if I've already spun myself into a little golden top from all the people, and she's probably right. Besides, they wound up disappointed too, except for their friend who was rooting for the other team.

So things are finally getting back to normal, slowly but surely. Mom is excavating us from the mountain of debris left over from the party, and all will soon be right with the world. Now if we could just get the stupid rain to stop....

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